Friday, January 17, 2014

Hot, Wild, and Bold!

What fun doing the first sunflower which led me to another PaintMyPhoto that I just could not pass up. What's interesting about this "experiment" is the background.  I love painting on a brightly toned canvas and letting some of the color come through the painting.  

It started with my favorite Persian Rose (Williamsburg Paints).  I was debating whether to paint the background black or maybe a brilliant blue when my husband walked in - he liked the bright rose, so I repainted the background and love the way it turned out.  Hot, Wild, and Bold!  Happy space.  I may have to keep this one for my personal gallery.  We'll see.

Hot, Wild and Bold!
see my gallery here - who knows maybe I'll put a price on it!

Thanks again for reading my blog and for checking out Leslie's other artists here 

Photo credits go to Trish Acres Sunflower 
