Saturday, February 2, 2019

Camping Story

Many years ago I had the opportunity to go on a camping trip through the south of France.  Certainly a trip that will never be forgotten.  When I saw this photo reference it immediately took be back to the foggy mornings, starting a fire, boiling water and brewing tea. What more could an 18 year old desire?  Well, since memories are also made of dire circumstances, we ran out of tea and couldn't figure out why we had "withdrawal symptoms." Back then didn't even know tea had caffeine!

Oh, and before I forget, I swore never to go camping again - turns out three weeks in a tent along the French Riviera is "not my cup of tea!"  There was sand in everything. I would love to go back someday, but stay in a nice hotel with room service and hot showers.  ha ha.

It goes without saying, there were tons of fantastic memories from that trip and a few other "lessons learned."  Now it all just makes for great story-telling. Travel seems to create unforgettable memories. . . .

Campfire Tea
click to zoom / purchase

Happy to report that Little Pink Carnations is off to Oak Hill, VA and Peek A Boo II is headed to a first time Grandmother.  Life is to be celebrated.

Enjoy, life is joy we make one moment at a time – Johnna

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Photo reference: Pixabay nasircoolboy1 tea pot - seriously.