Monday, May 31, 2021

May - New RSS Feed and Update

More changes - haven't we been through enough already!

This post is to change email distribution from Feedburner (being decommissioned by Google) to Mail Chimp - probably won't matter to you, but be sure to add this sending email address to your contacts list. If you don't see a monthly blog email around the end of the month, please check your Junk/Spam email and authorize the sender.  Thanks, and so very much appreciated!

Haven't been in a painting mood lately, so trying new things like the palette knife -  so liberating and challenging at the same time.  Love / Hate relationship is where we are right now, but in hot pursuit of the happy zone.  Love how these turned out.  First up is 99% palette knife with loads of paint, best to zoom below to see it up close.  

click to zoom / Purchase
Waiting for You

Thin and thick paint helps make this next one seem like the roses are leaping off the canvas.  So much yin/yang energy literally drove the title on this one. Combination of brush, scratches and palette knife.  Looks to me like an understudy waiting for their moment in the spotlight . . . 

click to zoom / purchase
I'm Next!

Thanks for hanging in there with me and I hope this switch doesn't cause any problems.  Email / reply if you have questions. 



Wednesday, May 5, 2021

April - Recovery and Good News

In a bit of a slump lately - maybe the blues from not getting all my submissions into the Mill show, but wildly delighted and surprised that two sold on the Very First Day!  Usually I have to go back and humbly pick up the paintings, so this is quite fabulous and hopefully generate some more painting enthusiasm!

Art Show (Online) and the sold paintings.  

Daffodils for You
Blue Bowl with Tangerine

Finished these paintings late last month and a few in April. Made a collage - all, but the Blue Bowl are available.  Beach House anyone?

click to zoom / purchase

Current inspiration thanks to DH and the Blue Bowl w/Lemon, is to pick up the palette knife and "do some damage!"  Well that project seems to be working out.  When you surprise yourself, you are truly delighted!  Really appreciate the push and hope to do even more like the painting below - mostly palette knife (my Daddy would be proud), I even used his knife for part of it.

click to zoom
Into a Tuscan Courtyard

Well the same DH, just had to have it, so he shall!  Just between us, I couldn't imagine parting with this one.  Hope it inspires a new wave of enthusiasm, creativity and all out motivation!

Enjoy, life is joy we make one moment at a time,