Monday, July 2, 2018

Summer Sweet

My turn to host the art group painting day. Always delightful painting with a group.  Subject was watermelon - they just won't stop saying, "paint me, paint me!"  Fun trying to get it to look juicy, opaque, yet translucent. The daisy wouldn't cooperate, so I got out my palette knife.  A challenging tool for me, but really happy the way it worked out.  Will probably take a week or more to dry. . . . but, that will give me time to ponder what to do with it next.  Love what happened to the watermelon part too.

Summer Sweet
click to zoom / purchase

Special project last month (thanks to a very dear artist friend) to make a canvas placemat as an intro to making a floor canvas - must have watermelons on the brain - or perhaps just too much heat around here.  "Felt like" temp today of 111 - what, this is the mid-Atlantic. . . .

Flexible canvas, acrylic paint.  

Thank you for reading this far.  My gift to you - a favorite summer treat.   Make watermelon "sticks" served with balsamic glaze and a sprinkle of pink salt - looks so grown up don't you think?

Enjoy, life is joy we make one moment at a time – Johnna