Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fiesta Fish

Trying a few new things to get back in the groove.  Painting fish is total fun because it just seems odd and lets you play around - I wanted to do something more angular / abstract, but these guys just wanted to get going - somewhere, anywhere.  .  .  .  right now it's 18 degrees and I am in Virginia -- the whole week it's been freezing, but I guess that's happening across the country right now.   

Brief history - The capelin is a small, silvery relative of salmon that forms large shoals in cold and Arctic waters and is a vital food source for sea birds and marine mammals.  The reference is from photographer, Viacheslav based in Russia, who has several amazing photos on PaintMyPhoto (a wonderful resource for artists). This painting takes a huge leap in playing with color - now it looks like they are headed to a Fiesta, I guess a really smart thing to do in this weather! I couldn't find the mileage between the inspiration and the inspired, but a direct flight would be almost 10 hours.  Art connecting the world.  

Fiesta Fish
Click Here to bid - starts Saturday 1/10/15

Last night one of my holiday auctions ended and it is still so exciting to find out who "won."  I didn't expect that the identities would be hidden from me, but that's how it works.  Once it gets down to the finish though, they have to know where to send the money and I have to know where to send the painting!  Very exciting to me and I hope so for the buyer as well.  It is triple-fantastic when it's a new buyer - I don't really care why that is, just know it makes me do the happy-dance (seriously).   So the painting below is off to sunny Texas, near Houston. Interestingly it's from another reference photo on PaintMyPhoto (Rodney Campbell).

Goldfinch Pose

Enjoy - life is joy we make one moment at a time,