Saturday, May 21, 2016

Is it Really Spring?

I don’t know about you, but it has been raining around here forever!  I think it was early March when it was surprisingly hot and thought “wow, spring just didn’t happen this year,” only now to realize it’s almost JUNE and only a handful of sunny days for the last six weeks!  Global warming or Gloomy WAAAAH!  In the DC area we are going from 52 / rain to mid-80s sunny next week.  Flip-flop!!!  On the up side, I guess summer is finally coming one way or another. . . .

Okay long lead in, but especially glad to report that “Looking into Summer – Cosmos” is on its way to Maine.  Er, suddenly think I should seriously shut up about cold, rain, and my pitiful spring doldrums!   It's probably still winter there. . . .  Gotta love it.  I especially love a new buyer - head rush knowing my art is finding great places to become a part of someone else's life.  

Looking into Summer – Cosmos
Kennebunkport, Maine
Enjoy, life is joy we make one moment at a time.