Friday, November 29, 2013

Big Orange

Maybe it's because of Thanksgiving or something -- the grocery store had some huge orange tulips.  Tulips in November???  These kept beckoning me, so I finally decided to go for it even though I heard tulips are very difficult to paint because they move around with just the slightest change in sunlight.  Guess what, they do move around - almost like they're two legged!  I figured if I work really fast and get it captured in an hour I'd be fine, but nooooo. . . .    So here's my attempt starting from painting live to stopping to take a few emergency reference photos to keep it together.  What a challenge.  Including a reference photo to show how far apart the tulips ventured in a very short time, like 20 minutes!  It was fun watching them dance all week.  Get a bunch, put them in a well lit room and enjoy the show!

Tulip Dance
click here to bid

Reference photo - perhaps the title should be
 "she's just not that into you!"

LOL. . .  these were so beautiful, orange with yellow edges, but quite dramatic when put on stage.  One was literally head down limp so I cut it off and put it into a small vase - within minutes it was poker-straight as they say and then two hours later it was making a left turn to the window.  such characters!  Who knew? 

Happy Thanksgiving - it is special to celebrate this uniquely American holiday.  We are so very lucky.  

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Lots going on suddenly with a multi sale to a BFF who's just gotta have some art!  Yay.  See below for the paintings.  As a nomad, having any sort of BFF is a very  special thing.  Does that seem a bit odd?  I'll try to explain in a few words - I grew up as a military kid, moving every few years yet delighting in having a life of amazing variety, new adventures, eye-opening cultural experiences, etc.  Would not trade that for the world!  At the same time though, you have to learn how to move on, cope, adjust, and not have a few things that most people take for granted like a "home town" or a slew of best friends forever!  My parents were awesome in making it a treasured, splendid and amazing adventure but we all know you cannot have it all. . . but I truly believe you can have the best of everything -- it just takes a whole lotta determination. . . . I could go on and on.  I love how art brings together one's past, present and future.  How lucky are we!

On another, but kinda related note, please take a minute to check out a wonderful, creative and entrepreneurial idea - maybe great for you or someone you know.  They've raised the initial crowd funding so good things to come!  Pass it on, get the word out for what happens next.  Click on the logo below to check it out.

SWSI: Smart Women. Smart Ideas.

Art on the way to New York City!

Lemon with Tear of Joy
an all time favorite!
Antique Creamer with Pansy

Good Morning
Pomegranate and Pear

Happy Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Pretty in Pink

I've posted this painting before, but completely forgot to put it into the gallery and up for auction.  I think it would make a great stocking stuffer for a princess in your life!  Lowering the starting bid to $25 seeing how December 25th is only a month away, yikes!!! If you are interested and email me that you saw it in this post, I'll cut the mailing costs in half! 

Pretty in Pink
click here to bid

For the locals, the Vienna 44th Treasury of Art show is this weekend.  The link has more detail (great artwork, free, music, etc.).  Be sure to scroll down to see last year's winners - amazing work!  I didn't get my act together to enter, but I am definitely going to check out the "competition" for next year. 

Lots to do and hoping to spend much of it this weekend painting.  Enjoy the holidays and remember nothing has to be perfect, it's all about making memories!


Thursday, November 14, 2013

More Happiness and a Holiday Pear

I just found out that this week is the National Pursuit of Happiness Week!  How odd that my last post was on happiness.  I guess that's just some kind of karma.   So wishing you good luck in your pursuit of happiness - one of our inalienable American rights.

Earlier this week I tried to paint one of my favorite holiday ornaments which is a golden pear encrusted with ice-looking crystals and glitter.  Well that didn't work out very well - it looked like a pear gone wild. So I whipped out my "artistic license" card and turned it into a semi-realistic, loose painting of a happier pear. Hopefully, one that would qualify for a role in the holiday song about a partridge in a pear tree! Painting on a slick, black background was an experiment to create additional drama.  I also did some glazing which I think adds more interest.  I love the way it turned out, so it's off to auction with this one.  

Holiday Pear
click here to bid

Important: blogger has changed the contrast and brightness on my photo, please use the gallery link or the above "click here to bid" link to see a better rendering of the actual painting.

Enjoy, and oh yeah, pursue some happiness!


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Happiness Despite a Gloomy Day

Coldest day so far this year in the mid-Atlantic, brrrr.  Dark and gloomy - winter is definitely headed this way! 

On the bright side, I woke up to discover two paintings were purchased by a close friend and lover of art (JEM we know who you are!).  Somehow this friend always has a sunny, happy demeanor despite everything.   It's good to surround yourself with happy people and I do my best to be one of them too.   These paintings are now her gifts to spread the happiness to her co-workers.  My friend made a great point, "Don't you think art makes a wonderful gift?"  It certainly is a great way to make a moment into a memory, so emphatically, YES!   I personally love buying art when I travel because it reminds me of a moment in time and cherished memory, to me even better than photos. 

As promised, here are the sold paintings.  I'm off to a new job tomorrow and glad it is local, so I can keep painting.

More Olives Please!
Salsa Plan

Thank you for sharing this adventure with me and for reading my blog.  

Just noticed that yesterday was 11/12/13. . . .  There should have been a parade or something. Okay, let's plan to celebrate on 12/13/14.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Little Creamer

On my way back from visiting the art show in Millwood Virginia, I stopped off at a little antique store and bought this darling little creamer - it was made by the Syracuse China Corporation (1895 - 2009).  I don't know much about antiques but between Google and Wiki, now know this one was created in the fall of 1983 making it 30 years old.  Has it really been 30 years???  What were you doing in 1983?   That thought brought back some very fond memories.  What a fun little adventure learning something that doesn't really matter.  Maybe tomorrow I'll search to see if something 30 years old is really an antique.  If so, I'm one too!  LOL.   

I'm trying pansies in the deck pots this year since the garden center said they are hardy and "even the coldest winter night won’t kill these pansies."  Well, we'll see about that.  So far they look wonderful.  For the locals, I highly recommend Meadows Farms Nurseries. Their newsletter has lots of tips, discounts, and ideas.   

Antique Creamer with Pansy

This painting will go on auction Sunday 11/10/2013, click here to bid.