Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Lots going on suddenly with a multi sale to a BFF who's just gotta have some art!  Yay.  See below for the paintings.  As a nomad, having any sort of BFF is a very  special thing.  Does that seem a bit odd?  I'll try to explain in a few words - I grew up as a military kid, moving every few years yet delighting in having a life of amazing variety, new adventures, eye-opening cultural experiences, etc.  Would not trade that for the world!  At the same time though, you have to learn how to move on, cope, adjust, and not have a few things that most people take for granted like a "home town" or a slew of best friends forever!  My parents were awesome in making it a treasured, splendid and amazing adventure but we all know you cannot have it all. . . but I truly believe you can have the best of everything -- it just takes a whole lotta determination. . . . I could go on and on.  I love how art brings together one's past, present and future.  How lucky are we!

On another, but kinda related note, please take a minute to check out a wonderful, creative and entrepreneurial idea - maybe great for you or someone you know.  They've raised the initial crowd funding so good things to come!  Pass it on, get the word out for what happens next.  Click on the logo below to check it out.

SWSI: Smart Women. Smart Ideas.

Art on the way to New York City!

Lemon with Tear of Joy
an all time favorite!
Antique Creamer with Pansy

Good Morning
Pomegranate and Pear

Happy Thanksgiving.