Sunday, August 31, 2014

Yet Another Experiment!

Well my little plan to get re-auctioning had a glitch, so attempting it again.  Apologies but have to include the painting from earlier this week. 

Pepper Refined
click here to bid

Somehow, I managed to paint today -- mostly to keep from frightening Mr. Huang next week!  Don't want him to think he has a clueless, crazy lady in his workshop.  So I did my best to set up multiple objects (egads, not used to that!!!), and went with a hard panel to keep from adding too many variables.  Admittedly, I'm in total denial about using actual canvases again. . . . 

After the paint-a-thon, I'm pretty happy and will photo/post it later this weekend.  Artist KR that I mentioned in an earlier post, says her new art instructor makes them report on what they have learned.  Sounds like a good idea to me, so in this painting session I learned: 
1) challenging/uncomfortable subject forces my brain to go into artist mode,
2) keep painting what you see not what you "think you see" and 
3) just paint. . . happiness is sure to follow!

Enjoy, live is joy we make one moment at a time,

p.s. thank you for taking the time to read my posts and for your delightful and encouraging comments, much appreciated!