Saturday, January 2, 2016


Well today started with what was supposed to be a frog – pretty cool looking one and I was thinking a theme of “near the water” for the first week.  Unfortunately the frog just didn’t work out so now I’m in scramble mode.  This happens because the plan wasn’t that great to start with.  What was I thinking!  A frog, seriously???

Luckily this lovely puffball of a goldfinch stepped in (hey maybe the theme is “gold” – I have that fish and now this!).  This has got to be the puffiest goldfinch ever.  I have seen other birds fluff up when it’s cold and wet so maybe this one got caught by a chilly spring.  

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Well I’m off to find more “gold” – an artist commented “Don't overthink it!,” so I’m going to try some of that great advice.  Although, I wonder how many other gold things there are begging to be painted . . . .

Enjoy, life is joy we make one moment at a time. 


Photo reference Debra Underwood, Goldfinch.