Sunday, April 28, 2013

Time Flies

Well somehow a whole week has flown by and not much to show for it.  I’ve been trying to focus more on the “marketing” side, handing out business cards and such.  Need to find a way for the biz brain and art brain to co-exist so we can all have a good time!   I love my new business cards and a big fan of Vistaprint and you-know-who doing the design, prototyping and final prep work.   

Now about the painting - I started two a week ago, but I was not happy with either of them.  I guess it was just an "off" week.  Yesterday I finally got a chance to perform emergency CPR – Creative Painting Rescue – hoping you agree it worked! 

The one I'm posting today was for a DPW challenge (okay, I know late again). Goal is to create a painting which is mostly white using warm and cool tones, texture, brushstrokes, etc. just make sure that light (nearly white) is dominant.  At the art club brunch, I served these cuties in my flamboyant martini glasses.  In my head, shrimp are basically white, so I thought this would be perfect for the challenge.  The glasses are clear and have frosted stems.  How perfect is that?  Since I am addicted to “bold”, I could not help but put a swath of orange across the bottom.  Guess what, shrimp are rather orange / red and caused a lot more color than I expected.  Worked to cool everything down and despite everything, declaring “challenge met.”    

Shrimp Cocktail - Paint It White Challenge

This painting has been added to the DPW auction and will run through May 5th 8:00 pm CST.