Friday, April 18, 2014

Yellow Pepper Refined

Cutting to the chase - not sure what happened.  I painted this pepper last January and then decided to fix a few things so changed the status to Not for Sale.  Fixed it and then forgot all about it.  Now I see my number one highest hit rate for painting views is none other than this guy!  So it's time to get the new photo posted, re-blog, re-upload, re-connect, and re-auction the new version.   

Yellow Pepper Refined
click here to bid

Reminds me how much I love the dark background and my peeps at PaintMyPhoto.  A great site, no matter what  your interests may be! Check it out here - free to browse and free to register - a fun bunch to connect up with.

Photo credits go to Lilian Bell here 
Yellow pepper

Enjoy - life is joy we make one moment at a time.  Let the game begin!

Thank you so much for reading my blog and taking the time to make comments.